Find & Explore your high ranking Keywords

First let me start out by stating the obvious… deploying your website without the necessary SEO practices and implementations is not only unwise but practically equivalent to finding a needle in a haystack with a magnet that doesn’t works, one might think they have the necessary tool to find that needle but they wouldn’t have a single clue that it’s practically doing nothing at all… organically.
So now that the need for an initial SEO setup has been quite clearly established let’s take this up a notch… Every website owner wants their website to be ranked, for that they will need to research for specific keywords to rank for and want kind of SEO setup needs to be done. These are the most critical factors to rank your website organically. This may require you to follow a certain approach focused around the main keywords you want to rank for. But time and time again a lot many people find it extremely hard to get themselves ranked on different Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). Mainly because most of the keywords they are aiming for are already highly competitive in nature, which makes it difficult to rank your website, at least in a short span of time.
So how to tackle this if you may ask…
More often than not, setting up your website with the initial SEO setup works wonders, provided those implementations are specifically implemented keeping your business offerings and your target niche in mind, which requires a certain amount of R&D. But as everyone in this world is much aware of the fact that without consistent innovative trade tactics, nothing will survive the course of time in this modern era of technological advancements and upgradations. You need to consistently think out of the box and act proactively in order to differentiate yourself from your competition, since the pace with which things are changing in this business world has never been so unpredictable. With the emergence of social media, internet reach has become even more important and the world of marketing has become ever so volatile i.e., having a solid social media presence, capitalizing on latest trends, adopting eccentric marketing tactics like guerrilla and creative content marketing, etc. is the way to go now and no business in this age, be it small or large, dares to overlook the importance of marketing their offerings over the digital space.
Well I know you must be thinking “This is great knowledge bud, but this ain’t exactly why I’m here for, tell me how to find those specific keywords for which I might want to or am already getting ranked for and after reading all this some tricks to rank my website in a much superior way than my competition, since that’s what you have been rambling about for in the previous paragraphs.”
Well, don’t worry I’m not just here to inform but I most definitely intend to educate as well.
Firstly, coming down to what keywords to pick and how to get a fair idea of what keywords you are already getting ranked for!
- There are a number of tools over the web which help you discover related key words and phrases specific to your business offerings, but one of the most well-known and free tool is Google Keyword Planner, where one can conveniently type in the URL of their website or the nature of their business offerings and get a list of related words and phrases to choose from. The competition and the search frequency of the specific keyword is also available to compare from, and one can easily choose the best keywords for their business offerings.
- Now there are also a number of tools which will generate those specific keywords for which you are already getting ranked for, but most of them can only be accessed by a paid subscription plan.
So what to do then..? Google Search Console!
Yes, attach Google Search Console to your website which is a performance measuring tool for any website submitted on the search engine… Google. One can see the performance of their website in terms of errors, pages being fetched and ranking. Yes, that’s right one can get a list of keywords or phrases be it short-tailed or long-tailed for which your website was displayed on the search engine result page (SERP) and visited by the user.
Now, let’s come down to the tricks and techniques, which I as an SEO and content writing expert analyzed and discovered over time.
- One thing I’ve realized over time that people often make a mistake of targeting long-tail keywords without the geographic factor. If you’re targeting long-tail keywords always keep in mind to make them as much geographically specific as possible and also remember to rank your home page on it. Ranking your business locally is extremely important and this will help you in doing that. You may use high competition keywords and other short-tailed keywords on other pages but don’t skip your home page when you are trying to write an SEO oriented content for a specific long-tail keyword.
- You can also use certain keywords as Alt Text for different images on your website. Search engines crawlers crawl everything unless instructed otherwise by your robots.txt file, thus inserting related keywords as Alt Text for different images can also result in boosting your SERP rank.
- Negative Keywords – I won’t be surprised if you haven’t heard of this term, ‘Negative Keyword’. Targeting a negative keyword is essentially a bit tricky and requires consistent efforts to get it right, but once you do get it right, well you’re essentially the only one dominating a particular search criterion on the SERP. Essentially one can choose a set of keywords for which they don’t want to get ranked, like ‘American food’. So if someone types ‘where can I find American food’ you will not appear in the SERPs and your ad will also be not displayed to that user, this helps in optimizing your ROI and ROAS.
So, always remember getting organically ranked is a long-term process and do not believe anyone who says otherwise, but approaching and implementing superior SEO tactics might help you get that extra edge over your competition when it comes to getting ranked organically.